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Make a referral for support today!

Do you know any veterans who are struggling with their sight?

Blind Veterans UK is the national charity for ex-Service men and women with severe sight loss and we’re here to help them.

We know there are thousands of blind veterans out there who could be entitled to our support but are not receiving it.

Who is eligible?

Anyone, including National Service veterans, can apply for support if they have a vision impairment and served as part of the military. We also support emergency services personnel who lost their sight on duty. You can read more about our specific criteria here.

What can I do?

The quickest way to get support is to complete the online application. However, we have made it much easier for professionals to refer those that could be entitled to our support straight to us by filling in our simple online referral form below.

You can also use the quick eligibility checker that takes just 20 seconds to fill in.

If you come across anyone who is struggling with their sight then please do ask two simple questions; “are you a veteran?” and “do you know there’s a charity called Blind Veterans UK?”. You could set them on the first step to rebuilding their life after sight loss today.

Not sure if they are eligible? Try our new 20 second eligibility checker
  1. Current: 1. Referee details
  2. 2. Applicant details
  3. 3. Stay in touch

Referee details

My address
For the best results, enter your house number and postcode

Applicant details

For the best results, enter your house number and postcode

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You can change your contact preferences at any time by emailing us or calling us on 0300 111 2233. Read our privacy policy . We may also send you postal updates about our activities. If you prefer not to receive these, please email us.