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Blind veteran walks 63 laps to celebrate each year of marriage

Published on 9 Mar 2021

Blind veteran Colin completed two laps per day with each lap taking around 14 minutes to complete. When the weather didn't permit a walk, he was able to get his steps in at home on his treadmill.

He also used this challenge to fundraise for us a thank you for the support we gave him. Colin completed his National Service with the Royal Engineers between 1958 and 1960. He started to lose his sight due to glaucoma in 2016 but late last year it accelerated quickly, and he was registered severely sight impaired in November 2020.

Blind veteran Colin and his daughter, walking laps around a park to raise money
Blind veteran Colin, right, and his daughter

"My daughter sensed that I was going through a grieving process as my sight deteriorated. Now I know that my desire to be positive was masking it. So I decided to do something not only to celebrate 63 years with my wonderful wife but also raise funds for Blind Veterans UK who are guiding me on this journey, adapting to life with sight loss."

Blind veteran
A headshot of blind veteran Colin and his daughter smiling at the camera as they walk
Blind veteran Colin, right, and his daughter, left

Colin continues:

"I’ve had my initial introduction and assessment with the charity. We’ve talked about the things I struggle with at home and now they’ve gone off to source the things I need. They are getting me a device which converts written text to voice so I can still read the post, magazines and books. And they are putting me in touch with a local blind veteran who is equally as interested in rugby as me. It will be great to chat to someone in the same position as myself in the local area."

Colin completed the final lap on 8 March, his 63rd wedding anniversary.

Colin completes his 63rd lap to raise money for Blind Veterans UK

Colin raised an amazing £4757 through his JustGiving page for Blind Veterans UK.

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