Fundraising complaints process
Blind Veterans UK welcomes and encourages feedback and comments about our fundraising activity, as this helps us to improve our services for our supporters. After all, supporters are the lifeblood of our charity. We simply couldn’t help all the blind veterans who need us without the kind gifts we receive, so we always strive to treat you with the respect you deserve.
Fundraising complaints process
When things go wrong, we want the opportunity to put it right. We take all complaints seriously and we try to resolve them as quickly as possible.
We will acknowledge your enquiry within one working day upon receiving it. Whilst we endeavour to put things right straight away, sometimes we may need more information, or more time to investigate your complaint properly. In this instance, we will stay in regular contact and we’ll aim to fully resolve and respond to your complaint within seven working days.
Write to us
Supporter Services
Blind Veterans UK
126 Fairlie Road
Email us
Call us
Phone us on 0300 111 22 33. Lines are open Monday to Friday, 9am – 5pm, excluding public and bank holidays.
In order to assist you properly, please kindly provide us with your full name, address and your contact details including a telephone number and/or an email address. In order to follow our complaints procedure, we keep a record of all the complaints we receive, including information about you as the complainant. You can find out more by reading our privacy policy in full here.
Fundraising Regulator
We really hope that we can resolve your complaint to your satisfaction. However, if you are unhappy after hearing back from our Supporter Services Team, you can request that your complaint is escalated in accordance with the Blind Veterans UK Complaints Policy formal procedure. If you still have concerns, you can contact the Fundraising Regulator who are the independent regulator of charitable fundraising.
Contact details: Fundraising Regulator, 2nd floor, CAN Mezzanine Building, 49-51 East Road, London, N1 6AH
Phone: 0300 999 3407
Website: Fundraising Regulator
Without you, Blind Veterans UK simply can’t carry on our vital work that helps ex-Service men and women discover a life beyond sight loss. We are committed to treating you with honesty, respect and accountability. Read our Supporter promise.
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About us
Find out about what our charity does, who we are and the impact we have on blind veterans' lives.

Help & info
Find out what we do for veterans, if you're eligible for our support, and get advice on dealing with sight loss.

Support us
We need your help to change blind veterans' lives. Find out more about how you can donate, fundraise or volunteer.

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We would love to send you updates about our work and how you can support us.
You can change your contact preferences at any time by calling us on 0300 111 2233 or emailing us. See our privacy policy for more details.