Our blind veterans' stories included in new military book
8 May 2021
Glimpses of War: Volume 1 is a compilation of military stories with 50% of royalties donated to our charity.

Blind veterans heartfelt thanks to volunteers for Volunteers' Week
2 Jun 2021
To mark this year's Volunteers' Week, our blind veterans share heartfelt messages to our dedicated volunteers.

Carers Week 2021: making caring visible and valued
8 Jun 2021
Carers Week marks a time to highlight the challenges carers face and celebrate their amazing contributions.

Blind veteran taking on Brighton Half Marathon to give back
11 Jun 2021
A blind veteran we supported is taking on the Brighton Half Marathon to raise funds for our charity.

Blind veteran Bill teaches woodturning during lockdown
18 Jun 2021
Bill joined other veterans virtually to get involved with woodturning during lockdown.

Blind veteran walks 100 laps ahead of 100th birthday
19 Jul 2021
Inspired by Captain Tom, a blind veteran walks 100 laps ahead of her 100th birthday to raise funds for our charity.

Blind veteran completes 270-mile walking challenge
19 Jul 2021
An 80-year-old blind veteran walked 270 miles virtually, while fundraising for our charity.

Blind veteran competes in national bowls competition
23 Aug 2021
A blind veteran is awarded runner-up in a national bowls competition for those with a visual impairment.

Blind Veterans UK reconnect two WWII veterans virtually
23 Aug 2021
Two blind veterans who served on the same ship during WWII have been reconnected by our charity during lockdown.

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