Make fundraising for us your New Year’s resolution
6 Dec 2022
Our 2022 fundraisers tell us how they've benefited from pushing their boundaries and taking on a challenge.

Woman running for military charity that supports her 'uncle'
26 Jan 2023
Telephone friend in regular contact with one of our blind veterans is running the London Marathon to support us.

Making fundraising a family affair
17 Mar 2023
Ryan and Emilia have family connections to our charity which has led to them fundraising for us.

Extra 40 miles cycled to honour resilience of blind veterans
12 May 2023
Fundraiser who was set to cycle 60 miles across London ended up cycling 100.

Armed Forces Cricket supports our charity
15 May 2023
We were delighted to be this year's supported charity for Armed Forces Cricket's Inter-Services T20 tournament

VI Charities concerned about rail ticket office closures
10 Jul 2023
We have joined seven other leading vision impairment charities in writing to the Transport Secretary.

Three cheers for our eventers!
12 Sept 2023
Supporters braved the September heatwave to take part in the London to Brighton Cycle and the Great North Run.

Remembrance 2023: Served, Blinded, Supported
17 Oct 2023
More than 40 of our blind veterans are set to march at the Cenotaph in London this Remembrance Sunday.

Chance meeting spurs on marathon runner
20 Mar 2024
A woman running the London Marathon has been spurred on after meeting blind veteran who ran in the inaugural event.

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