Six friends cycling 400 miles in 24 hours
24 May 2023
Six cyclists are set to ride from the Scottish border to their home town in Essex to raise money for our charity.

Blind veteran's sister “honoured and proud” after skydive
16 May 2023
A woman has jumped from 13,000ft with the Red Devils to raise money for our charity which supports her brother.

Armed Forces Cricket supports our charity
15 May 2023
We were delighted to be this year's supported charity for Armed Forces Cricket's Inter-Services T20 tournament

Extra 40 miles cycled to honour resilience of blind veterans
12 May 2023
Fundraiser who was set to cycle 60 miles across London ended up cycling 100.

Blind veteran's sister jumping from plane at 15,000ft
4 May 2023
Christine has always wanted to complete a tandem skydive and now she is doing it to raise money for our charity.

Ex-soldier humbled by London Marathon experience
28 Apr 2023
Supporter Matt loved being among thousands of runners raising money and awareness for incredible charities.

Big Help Out event at Llandudno
25 Apr 2023
To mark the King's Coronation, we are taking part in the Big Help Out event at our Llandudno Centre of Wellbeing.

Welcome to our new CEO Adrian
23 Apr 2023
We welcome Adrian Bell as he starts as our new Chief Executive Officer.

Bletchley Park veteran releases war memoirs after turning 100
19 Apr 2023
The pair struck up a friendship when Simon signed up as a telephone befriender for us.

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